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The Raupp Museum Online Database

Buffalo Grove Thanksgiving Food

What Did They Eat and Where Did It Come From?

Thanksgiving food was primarily coming from two places in Buffalo Grove, a farm or the Weidner General Store. Most Buffalo Grove residents were either vegetable or dairy famers, so finding all the basics for Thanksgiving wouldn't be too difficult. You could find milk, butter, vegetables and maybe a turkey or chicken from your own farm. Other things may come from your neighbors farm. The fancier items would come from the Weidner General Store, like chocolate and lemons.


Buffalo Grove C. 1910. Weidner Store (Left)

The Local Menu

Thanksgiving and turkey were pretty synonymous even 100 years ago. Carrots, celery, cranberry sauce and potatoes were also spread pretty commonly across the country. In different areas of the country, local dishes were mixed in to the staple Thanksgiving menu, like Lake Superior Whitefish in Chicago. In Buffalo Grove you may have seen sauerkraut at the table, given that almost all residents (or their parents) were from Germany.

Take a look below at cookbooks, advertisements, and menus from the late 1800s and early 1900s.